June 2024 Content Wrap-Up

Here we are once again on the 1st day of a new month, looking back at activities over the past month. When I started this activity almost 14 years ago, the purpose was to help keep my sales and marketing teams up to date on my latest content, webinar recordings, and speaking engagements. Now I use it as an extended memory bank to catalog all of my activities so that I can keep track. Looking back over this past month, it would appear to be a quieter month (at least historically, speaking) but it was actually quite action-packed, with some major announcements happening in July.  During the first week of June, I was back in Seattle for yet another TechCon365 event (formerly EduCon, formerly SharePointFest) produced by David Wilhelm and team. I spent the week hanging out at the Rencore booth with Joseph and Melinda, giving demos and talking about governance. TechCon is a great event that continues to grow, with more happening later this year in Washington DC (August) and Dallas (November). I can’t make DC, unfortunately, but am planning to attend the Dallas event.

#TeamRencore at TechCon365 Seattle 2024On the 17th, I was joined by good friend and fellow RD+MVP Sharon Weaver (@sharoneweaver) to kick off the WEEKLY webcast The Project Failure Files, which broadcasts every Monday morning at 9am Pacific. More details on this new show and the activities around it down below, as well as links to the first 2 recordings and upcoming episodes.

Speaking of webcasts, on the 19th I teamed up once again with fellow MVP Ragnar Heil (@ragnarh) for Episode 7 of our monthly Guardians of M365 Governance (#GoM365gov) show, where we hosted former MVP-turned-Microsoft employee, Erica Toelle (@ericatoelle) to talk about data governance with Microsoft Purview. More details below. Upcoming guests include Richard Harbridge from 2toLead, Melinda Morales from Dyson, and…hey, whattaya know…Sharon Weaver from Smarter Consulting — all to talk about different aspects of governance. Even more news to come in July around this show, as well!

On the TekkiGurus front,on the 26th I moderated a fun and informative webinar with MVP Shari Oswald (@shortcutshari) on Microsoft Loop, the link to which you can find at the bottom of this page. I’m continuing to work with Shari on this monthly productivity webinar series, so watch for more updates. On top of all that, Shari and I are in development on a bi-monthly (twice monthly) webcast that we’ve been discussing for over 2 years. Yes, I know, it seems like a lot of content from one person. But as I see it, I’m just doing what I love, which is conspiring with friends and colleagues to talk about and write about and share what I learn about technology.

For those who are keeping track, I’m now just 2 months away from my next content goal: 3 years of daily blog posts. I hit the 1,000 posts in 1,000 days goal in late May, but the real goal has the end of August. I don’t have a fixed goal beyond that, but in the back of my head I’m thinking 5 years would be an ambitious goal. Until I figure out the plan, here is everything I published in the past month:

The Project Failure Files

A new weekly webcast series with good friend and co-conspirator Sharon Weaver, in which we discuss everything you should NOT do in project management. I was approached by a publisher earlier this year about writing a real-world guide for Project Managers, and pulled Sharon into the project as a co-author. But as we were preparing our book proposal, we decided to take a different path: instead of talking about PM “best practices” we would talk about PM failures, sharing what we’ve learned from our own failures, and the failures of projects and managers we’ve known. We kicked off the series on June 17th where we talked about our goals for the series, hosted Episode 2 on the 24th to talk about the mistake of having too many project “owners,” and later this morning we will be hosting Episode 3 to discuss the impacts of poor communication. Join us every Monday at 9am Pacific! Hope you can join us! We’ve also created a facebook community page to extend the conversation, where you can share your PM successes, as well as your failures. Please join this open group.

  • Launching “The Project Failure Files” [blog | YouTube]
  • Project Failure Files: Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen [blog | YouTube]
  • Project Failure Files — a new community group that anyone can join [Facebook]
  • Register for Episode 3 on July 1st [LinkedIn]
  • Register for Episode 4 on July 8th [LinkedIn]
  • Register for Episode 5 on July 15th [LinkedIn]
  • Register for Episode 6 on July 22nd [LinkedIn]

Guardians of M365 Governance

Another monthly episode of this deep dive into various governance topics around Microsoft 365, the Power Platform, and Copilot. We’ve moved the show now to the 3rd Wednesday of every month, always at 8am Pacific. Our next show will take place on July 17th where we’ll be joined by Richard Harbridge, M365 MVP and the CTO of 2toLead. Richard is a recognized expert on governance, compliance, and security, and will join us to share some of his “war stories” from the field.

  • Guardians of M365 Governance Episode 6 with Erica Toelle [blog | YouTube]
  • Guardians of M365 Governance, Episode 6: The Ins and Outs of Data Governance with Purview [TekkiGurus]

TechCon365 logoContent Strategy

I’ve ramped up my schedule for my content Strategy series, which I’ve been adding to over the past 2 years. I’ve been slowly but surely working on a marketing book, sharing my experiences and perspective as a software startup founder, non-profit co-founder, technical user group and community event organizer, technology evangelist, and overall marketing bootstrapper. I have around 20 more topics to cover this year before folding it all into a book, which I hope to have published in the spring.

  • Content Strategy: Mapping the Customer Journey [blog]
  • Content Strategy: Measuring and Analyzing Content Performance [blog]
  • Content Strategy: Repurposing Content [blog]
  • Content Strategy: Defining Your Brand [blog]


As always, I continue to publish MVP interviews every Monday (#MVPbuzzChat on #MVPmonday) and new #CollabTalk Podcast episodes every Thursday. Be sure to subscribe to my podcast, or, if you prefer video, all episodes are now available on my YouTube channel, as well.


With the expansion of webcast and podcast activities, the AMA’s have been pushed back a bit, but don’t worry — much more to come on this popular series, which will see its own dedicated page later this year. I have the domain, and just need to build out the page. In the meantime, the team produced 10 more episodes this month, so please check them out!

  • What is the best practice for moving 5,000 files between Teams? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]
  • Can I provide read-only permissions in Microsoft Teams? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]
  • Why does my Out-of-Office send out two auto-responses? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]
  • Why are SharePoint folders no longer appearing in search results? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]
  • Can I use the same edit or display form for multiple galleries? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]
  • Why does my 3rd party SMTP relay flag or send emails to spam? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]
  • After a SharePoint folder sync, why can’t I open the files? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]
  • Why am I not receiving emails from a certain domain? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]
  • Why use Configure Layout vs Customize with Power Apps? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]
  • Can I allow SharePoint users to edit but not delete a list? #M365AMA [blog | YouTube]


What started as an occasional post has become a weekly trend. Every Saturday I post a new Blue Plate Special or compilation post to share some of my favorite artists from the late 1970s through today. If you’re interested in post-punk, new wave, indie, electronic, techno, and industrial music, you should check out this series. You can find all Blue Plate Special episodes here: https://buff.ly/3RNZlSV

  • Blue Plate Special: Peter Murphy [blog]
  • Blue Plate Special: Abecedarians [blog]
  • Blue Plate Special: Adam Ant [blog]
  • Blue Plate Special: The Mighty Lemon Drops [blog]

Blatant Self-Promotion

And finally, a couple of promotional posts to check out.

  • May 2024 Content Wrap-Up [blog]
  • Get in the Loop: Enhancing Productivity with Microsoft Loop with Shari Oswald (Moderator) [TekkiGurus]

And that’s a wrap for June! I have a few things planned for this week, when the US celebrates Independence Day (July 4th). I have 3 of my kids and 2 grandkids in town, so I’m taking a couple of days off to drive jetskis around a lake in the mountains, but I’ll have content ready to go each day and be back in the home office next Monday preparing to drop some major news, so keep watching this space!

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He sits on the board of TekkiGurus, is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits, and provides channel and marketing services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the quarterly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.