February 2022 Content Wrap-Up

Here we are at the start of another new month, and an increasingly busy schedule. Which is really saying something, since things have already been incredibly busy!  I’ve completed another month of daily posts here on my blog, as well as creating videos, participating in online and in-person events, and generating other content for my job. I’m now 14 months into my time with AvePoint and still really enjoying my role and the collaborative culture at the company.

DiamondbacksIn February, I was on the road for half the month…which meant a lot of content writing, recording, and post-production on my evening and weekends to keep the daily posts flowing. Inching ever-closer to my one-year goal!

My first event of the month was an invitation by Microsoft for myself and a couple peers to participate in partner roundtables, where we provided some guidance and answered questions from other partners around business opportunities surrounding Microsoft Viva. My second event was on the road, taking me to Phoenix for 4 days for the IT Nation Evolve event, which included an excellent activity where we visited the local stadium where the Diamondbacks play. We got a tour of the entire stadium, and went down onto the field to hit some baseballs. It was a reminder that baseball is not my sport. I’ll stick with basketball and running.

After a few days home, I flew out to Arlington, Virginia (DC area) to spend several days with my team. It was great to get some facetime with people, and to celebrate the launch of AvePoint’s #SaaSInStyle brand awareness campaign. If you’ve not yet seen this multi-faceted campaign, check out the details on LinkedIn, an interview with our Chief Brand Officer, Dux Raymond Sy, or the campaign landing page at https://www.avepoint.com/instyle

my Grandkids

After Arlington, I spent 4 days with my daughter, her husband, and my two grandkids in Minneapolis. It was my first time meeting my adorable little granddaughter, Lily, in-person. It was freakishly cold in Minnesota. While it’s good to be back home, I am already missing them. I hope to get back out there in early summer.

One last event/activity for February was a new audio show via LinkedIn Audio (just like Clubhouse, but within LinkedIn) that we are calling P2Pnow Live! We ran the first show with limited promotion so that we could kick the tires on the technology, but will be launching the show on Friday, March 11th at 12pm Eastern. You’ll see details through our social promotion next week. It’s basically a radio show that allows you to listen in, or “raise your hand” and join us on air to ask a question or join the discussion. I’m a fan of the platform, and occasionally participate in discussions on Clubhouse, but I’m pleased to see similar functionality on LinkedIn.

As for content this past month, here is what I produced:

Other People’s Podcasts

As I detail in the first link below, it’s a heckuva lot less work to be a guest on a podcast than it takes to record, edit, and publish my own show. I’d like to guest more often, as I had a blast. Check out my interview with John Durant and Jeff DeVerter.

#CollabTalk TweetJam

I figured this would be a smaller tweetjam turnout, but we had a huge turnout and, once again, we altered space and time to achieve the fastest hour of the month! Great perspectives and insights about the evolution of collaboration for frontline workers, with feedback on the existing gaps and opportunities — for partners as well as companies. My post-tweetjam interview with Jill Hanneman (@ImJillHannemann) from Avanade will be published tomorrow, so be sure to check it out!

Channel Content

I’m doing more and more evangelism for the channel ecosystem in my role at AvePoint, so you will see this monthly category expand going forward. The links below are part of my weekly #P2Pnow series with Sam Valme (@SamV_411). I’ll be writing more guest blog posts, co-hosting webinars, and speaking at events (largely MSP focused) this year.

Various Articles

Still going through my backlog of blog content archived in OneNote, and writing about change management, innovation, and, of course, productivity. I’d still like to write more about productivity tips and provide some detailed walkthroughs, but anything that requires more intensive image capture just takes. so. much. time. I aspire to produce more of that kind of content in the future.

M365AMA panelAnswering Community Questions

I am a HUGE fan of the AMA format, tapping into the collective wisdom of the crowd. The #M365AMA series evolved from the early days of the pandemic with a weekly live stream. After 61 weeks, we moved it to monthly, but with my new job and things picking up for everyone, even that monthly commitment got to be difficult. So now we gather when we can and record several discussions in one sitting, and then I chop them up into standalone videos and blog posts. I like this format — but for those who enjoyed the live stream, it’s coming back in March! No date yet, but we’ll be hitting the airwaves once again for 90+ minutes of answering YOUR technical questions. Watch for it!

  • Can I turn off MFA for my entire organization? #M365AMA [blog | video]
  • Can I store 5mb text in a Microsoft List? #M365AMA [blog | video]
  • What kind of governance is needed for Citizen Developers? #M365AMA [blog | video]
  • What happened to my favorite feature in Microsoft Teams? #M365AMA [blog | video]
  • Can I merge my free and company Azure AD accounts? #M365AMA [blog | video]


My other passion is interviewing people. I used to joke that my goal was to “become the Dianne Sawyer of SharePoint,” because I love to talk with people within the community about their business and technology path to where they are today. I learn so much from interviewing others, and love getting to know people from varying practice areas, and from different regions around the world. I am currently publishing two interviews per week to my podcast, and publishing interviews for my Office 365 Hours series on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month.

Blatant Self-Promotion

Technically, this entire blog is self-promotion…but there was only the single post this month for the category. Maybe next month…

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He is a startup advisor and investor, and an independent consultant providing fractional marketing and channel development services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, weekly #ProjectFailureFiles series, monthly Guardians of M365 Governance (#GoM365gov) series, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.

1 Response

  1. April 2, 2022

    […] February 2022 Content Wrap-Up [buckleyPLANET] […]