1,000 posts in 1,000 days

1,000 posts in 1,000 daysToday marks a significant milestone in my blogging journey: 1,000 blog posts in 1,000 days! This achievement is part of my quest to post daily for three years, and I’m taking a moment to celebrate this nice round number. This goal was inspired by a conversation with fellow MVP and good friend Tracy van der Schyff (@tracyvds), who achieved the two-year goal a few years back. As I was closing in on the two-year mark last fall, Tracy mentioned that she had been thinking about making another run…so my persistence might have something to do with childish competitiveness and wanting to stay in the lead.

How do I sustain this level of content output in addition to the content and activities I do for my clients? By using calendars, templates, and OneNote.

  1. I capture my meeting notes, ideas about articles I’ve read and videos that I’ve watched, grabbing links to source material when possible, and dumping it all into OneNote. When I’m researching a topic that I want to write about, I often start by searching through my OneNote archives to see if I’ve captured anything on the topic.
  2. I’ve created a template for most of my content creation. A typical blog post doesn’t really follow a template – although I am a fan of “listicles” or list-based articles, since most of my notes are already in bulleted lists. But for all of my AMA (Ask Me Anything), podcasts, and interviews follow an established template, which dramatically cuts down on the time for post-production.
  3. Once I have a plan for the content, I plug titles into my planning calendar so that I know the priorities of my content creation activities, and can plan out my week accordingly. I generally write several articles and do my video post-production on weekends, and schedule my posts over the week. If you see me in-person at an event, in all likelihood I have pre-scheduled posts for each day of the event so that I can focus on the event without stress. However, it takes work and planning.

Content Calendar for buckleyplanet

I’ve had numerous people ask if I plan to continue this pace beyond the 3-year mark (end of August) to which I usually reply “I’m not sure.” It’s a lot of work, as you can imagine, but creating content is my hobby and my passion, so I don’t have any plans to discontinue this pace.

Thank you to everyone who has followed and supported my journey. Here’s to continuing this adventure!

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He sits on the board of TekkiGurus, is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits, and provides channel and marketing services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the quarterly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.

1 Response

  1. June 1, 2024

    […] 1,000 posts in 1,000 days [blog] […]