Feature Videos for Davinci Migrator
A key part of my role at Axceler is to generate internal and external videos around our products. After generating internal sales videos, followed by a 15-minute demo of the Davinci Migrator for SharePoint 2010, I thought it would be helpful to also slice and dice this content, creating several feature-based videos so that people can get a quick sense of the unique features and core capabilities of the product without having to commit to an entire 15-minute video. I know. Fifteen minutes is a loooong time, right? Who wants that?
The 5 videos I’ve made available include an end-to-end migration using Davinci (below) so that you can see how it works in a common scenario (alas, on a minimized screen so that I could optimize for all browser sizes), how to create migration sets (allows you to organize, plan out, and orchestrate your migrations), how to run a pre-migration analysis (totally unique to our product, and an awesome feature), how to create migration set queries (using our easy query-by-example interface), and how to create complex queries (for the SQL die-hards out there).
More videos coming before year end. If you have questions, drop me a line. Or let me know what other features/scenarios you’d like to see.