My Sessions at SPTechCon San Francisco
I am heading south Sunday for what should be yet another great SPTechCon event in San Francisco, being held at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport in Burlingame, CA. Always happy to go back to the home turf of the bay area – even if I am not able to take some time to drive eastward and visit friends and family this time. While I love living in the Seattle area and have no plans to move back to CA, its always fun to visit.
I will be conducting three sessions at SPTechCon, and wanted to share details:
103: 11 Strategic Considerations for SharePoint Migration
Migration is a roadblock to moving forward with your SharePoint strategy. Migration is phased, iterative, and error prone. But migration itself is not the goal – an optimized and user-friendly environment is your goal. Beyond the Microsoft-provided overview of how to plan for an upgrade and migration, there is a lot of room for error. This presentation outlines 11 critical strategies for migration planning that no project should move forward without. Attendees will walk away with a detailed action plan for their migrations to SharePoint 2010.
Tuesday from 9:30 am – 10:45 am
TECHNICAL LEVEL: Intermediate/Advanced
SHAREPOINT VERSION: All406: Strategies for Involving End Users in Your Migration
One of the biggest mistakes made during environment migrations is to make this a dev or administrator activity, and not involve the end users – who know the data and business needs better than anyone. The purpose of this session is to outline a structured migration plan, and illustrate where and how end users should be involved in the process. Attendees will walk away with ideas on how they can improve their migration planning, ensuring the new environment includes direct input from their end users, which will increase adoption rates and improve SharePoint effectiveness.
Tuesday from 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm
AUDIENCE: Business Manager, IT Admin
SHAREPOINT VERSION: MOSS 2007, SharePoint 2010803: Restructuring SharePoint from Centrally Managed to Decentralized
With the addition of new social computing features, better control over metadata and taxonomies, and stronger authentication and permissions management, many companies are thinking about making their 2007 environments more open, allowing for increased ad hoc collaboration across teams and organizations. This session will present a case for moving from a centrally-managed portal model to a more open, dispersed environment, and discuss strategies while moving from 2007 to 2010 to accomplish this vision. Attendees will learn more about some of the new social and collaborative features within 2010, and walk away with ideas for transforming their sites and content to meet this vision.
Wednesday from 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm
AUDIENCE: End User, IT Admin
SHAREPOINT VERSION: MOSS 2007, SharePoint 2010
When not presenting, you’ll find me over at the Axceler booth providing demos and answering questions about our award-winning administration product, ControlPoint, and the most granular migration platform on the market, Davinci Migrator. See you there!