Germany, UK, South Africa, and Silicon Valley
It’s been a hectic month, with lots of travels across the globe. After presenting a session on SharePoint governance at Axceler partner IPI GmBh’s two-day customer event at their headquarters just outside of Nuremburg, Germany, I made my way to Scotland for a short weekend with friends Mike Watson and Laura Docherty. Always happy to visit Edinburgh,
we toured Stirling Castle, the Wallace Monument, and the Falkirk Wheel on Saturday, and then made our way over to Glasgow on Sunday. Early the next day, I headed south into London to spend a few days with the Axceler EMEA team at our Oxford Circus offices. Always a lot of energy visiting one of the Axceler offices – and good to spend time with the team instead of sitting in my office alone out in Seattle.
Following my visit to London, I found my way to Johannesburg, South Africa and the annual SharePoint Saturday Johannesburg, where I provided the keynote address on community building, and my popular 101 session on the importance of metadata and taxonomies to SharePoint (and every other knowledge management platform).
Updated versions of my presentations are below:
I’m now making edits to my presentation for this weekend, which takes me to SharePoint Saturday Silicon Valley down south in Palo Alto, California, near to where I grew up (I’m an East Bay native). Looking forward to talking information architecture and sharing multiple, obscure Star Wars references. As one of the organizers of the event, I am also happy to be spreading the SharePoint love in an otherwise hostile environment (the Bay Area is generally not Microsoft-friendly turf, but SharePoint is expanding despite the local challenges!). Looking forward to seeing friends and partners, and to hearing back from the community. If you haven’t already, there’s still time to register for the event at
See you this weekend!