5 Power User Tips for Yammer

I’m one of the primary advocates of Yammer within my company, and often find myself sharing basic tips with co-workers to help them improve their productivity. Here are a few tips that I have found useful:

  1. Clean up your email posts. If you find yourself posting to Yammer via email on a regular basis, be sure to include “- -“ (two dashes) at the end of your response to remove your signature file and previous threads. In fact, consider adding this double-dash to the top of your signature file itself, so you won’t have to remember at all.
  2. Track important conversations with Bookmarks. Having trouble finding important conversations within a group, or within your home feed? Or maybe you’re following a discussion, but because of the volume of responses that keep filling up your inbox, you stopped “following” the conversation – but you still want to track it long-term? Bookmark it. Go to the target conversation, select More, and add the Bookmark. You can then go into your profile (click on your name) and open the Bookmarks tab to find all of your saved conversations – without the home feed overload.
  3. Coordinating activities using Notes. Organizing an event and need to collaborate with team members on the agenda? Stop pushing email back and forth, and drop it all into a Note, and then invite your team to edit. Yammer keeps track of each iteration, allowing you to see who made the changes, and to go back to a previous version if needed. It’s quick, flexible, and a more organized method for ad hoc collaboration. To create a Note, go into the relevant Group (everything in Yammer is associated with a Group), go to the Notes tab, and select Create a Note. You can then invite different members, and start collaborating.

  4. Pull people into conversations. If you’re participating in a thread, and think that someone else from your team needs to be a part of it, simply reply to the thread with their name. I’m in the habit of using @ when typing someone’s name, but you don’t have to – it works either way, pulling from the list of members. It’ll pop up in their inbox as an @mention, and they can join in the conversation.

  5. Help good discussions find their right home. I am often finding a thread in one Group or in the main company stream that really belongs in another, more specific Group. You can post the existing thread over in the right Group, where people who care about that topic may then join into the conversation. Under the main conversation post, click on Share, which opens up a dialog box, allowing you to select a group or send via private message to an individual, and add a quick note as to why you are sharing this.

I hope you find these tips useful. Like any application or platform, most of us know how to use the basics, but you begin to see the real potential and unlock productivity when you start dipping down into the power user capabilities.

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He is a startup advisor and investor, and an independent consultant providing fractional marketing and channel development services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, weekly #ProjectFailureFiles series, monthly Guardians of M365 Governance (#GoM365gov) series, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.

8 Responses

  1. Magic Slim says:

    thanks for your update

  2. Good question. Not sure, as I have the paid version. But you could go onto yammer.com/spyam and ask one of the dozens of CSMs who participate in the site to answer your question. For example, ping Noah Sparks.

  3. Hi Christian, does the double dash work on the free Yammer, Enterprise Yammer or both. On the free version I have tried adding the – -, and even — at the end of my email before the signature but the images from the signature still get uploaded to Yammer.

  4. Scott Jackson, UK says:

    Good tips Christian, I am posting to our Yammer Tips Group on our network as we speak. Thanks for sharing

  5. SteveOhan says:

    I don’t understand Yammer users. There are so many solutions that are better, free and have more tools (Bitrix24, Asana, etc). Why would anyone (willingly) use Yammer?

  6. Agreed. They need a lot of improvements to messaging, and rumor has it that we’ll have some news in the messaging category at SPC14 in March.

  7. StfBauer says:

    Good tips but I have another one addressing a problem recently happened on yammer and is related to number 4.
    Don’t send a post to too many people via the CC function.
    This might bug people. Especially not if you post to a group where the people are already in.
    The problem is that you will always get an email of every reply. The only chance to escape this thread is by actively unfollow the conversation.

  8. jeff shuey says:

    Good stuff. Thank you sir. May I have another?