Adding to the flurry of post-Future of SharePoint events and commentary, my good friend and fellow MVP Liam Cleary (@helloitsliam), who is an associate director and principle consultant at Protiviti, decided to combine our wonder-twin powers and provide a joint webinar to discuss the latest Microsoft announcements stemming from the May 4th Future of SharePoint event, and discuss the impacts to our own organizations – and to the SharePoint community. It’s one thing to read through the various blog posts, or to watch a quick demo video from the product team – but its always good to put these things in context.
You can register for tomorrow’s webinar here.
As I outlined in a quick blog post that I published from the San Francisco event as soon as the content embargo was lifted, the announcements covered a lot of ground – from a tighter alignment between look/feel/function of OneDrive and Document libraries and new SharePoint mobile app, to an expansion of FastTrack services to help organizations move more quickly to the cloud, to the introduction of the SharePoint Framework that allows devs to build against SharePoint services using the tools of their choice.
What makes this webinar with Liam and I a little different is that we come from very different backgrounds and focus areas: Liam is on the dev / IT Pro side of things and is well-known in the Microsoft space as an expert in security and SharePoint architecture, where my background is power user, UX, and business decision-maker focused. A good blend of business and technical. In fact, I thought I’d use this opportunity to surface an old “Digital Sack Lunch” video that Liam and I did back when I was at Axceler (acquired by Metalogix) and Liam was with SusQTech (acquired by Protiviti) where we talked SharePoint infrastructure, scalability, and the need for proper resource planning.
Conversations with Liam are always highly entertaining, and I am looking forward to the discussion. If you’ve never seen Liam present, you should check out his famous (infamous) “ethical hacking” session “Think you can hack SharePoint?” Always fun to see this session live. This recording is from TechEd North America back in 2013. Good stuff.
And if you’d like to know how the announcements impact my company Beezy, you should also check out this blog post from my ceo, Jordi Plana.
See you online tomorrow!