June 2017 Content Wrap-Up
Shortest. Monthly summary. Ever. Not that I haven’t been writing — in fact, I’ve been completely slammed. But almost all of it has been behind-the-scenes work for clients, almost all of it to be published in the coming weeks and months. Aside from the anemic and uncharacteristic number of posts from me this past month, some huge milestones were passed in June:
- I *finally* made it out to SharePoint Saturday London to speak, after discussing it with Seb Matthews (@sebmatthews) for years and doing what I could from afar to support the event and the fantastic UK community, the stars finally aligned and I was able to participate. Seb and Peter and their team put on a fantastic event that has been growing over the past 3 years, and I am definitely going to prioritize my travel for 2018 and go back to the heart of London for #SPSLondon next year.
- After 14 years of blogging via the Typepad platform (and via HTML and FTP upload tool for 5 years prior), I made the move over to WordPress on Azure and migrated almost 1,000 posts and all of their images, tags, links, media, etc etc. It was not pain-free, but I managed to move everything over with the help of a few smart app purchases, and am excited to be expanding the site once again. In fact, you’ll see a number of additions this month, including the “buckleyPLANET Guides” (still working on the branding). In parallel, I am also finalizing a few things on my new-but-never-quite-finished CollabTalk.com website, which should all be up and running with content and new pages before I head to Microsoft Inspire this weekend.
While #SPSLondon was a blast, I was also able to spend time with some of my favorite people, Mike Watson and Laura Docherty and their boys, up in Edinburgh for a few days. In fact, Mike and I had a little mini-adventure, renting a car (with me driving) and heading up into the Scottish highlands. Some amazing scenery and great conversations, which ended up in a product idea, of which Mike has already generated an MVP with the hopes of having something to test out later this month, so watch for that. I love Scotland, not just because of how beautiful it is, but because I have a fairly strong family line from the Edinburgh area. In fact, I’m at least 25% Scottish, with my maternal grandfather’s line going back to the early 1500’s when my 13th great-grandfather changed his name from Rychason to Richardson. Now I need to do some research into that name and see how much further back we go in the area. Following the SPSLondon event, I jumped on a tour bus and saw some of the England countryside, visiting Windsor Castle, the beautiful city of Bath, and Stonehenge. Bucket list item checked off.
And finally, we said goodbye to our son Nicholas, who left on his LDS mission for 2 years. Elder Buckley is in the Provo, Utah Missionary Training Center (MTC) for another couple weeks before departing to the Stockholm Sweden Mission, where he will be prepared to teach and serve in the Swedish language. We’re not yet sure where he’ll be serving, as they can place him anywhere within the country, but I’ll definitely let folks know in case anyone in the region should come across a tall, slightly nerdy, but incredibly smart and humble missionary with a passion for Lord of the Rings and a very dry sense of humor. Would LOVE it if someone from the SharePoint community found him and took a selfie with him 🙂
As for June content, the most noise was made toward the end of the month around the CollabTalk TweetJam, which was once again sponsored by AvePoint, with a focus on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) changes coming in May 2018. I had a guest blog post on AvePoint’s website, and have an article coming out in the next week on CMSWire on this important topic, and will be working more closely with AvePoint in the coming months on this topic. If you missed the tweetjam, don’t worry — the Storify link below has all of the tweets captures so that you can read through them at your own pace.
- Understanding the Impacts of Looming Data Privacy Changes (buckleyPLANET) http://bit.ly/2tIX42g
- How Ready is the SharePoint Community for Major Changes to Data Privacy Regulation? (AvePoint) http://bit.ly/2tJ78s7
- Preparing for Data Privacy Regulatory Changes (Storify) http://bit.ly/2tITYel
Beyond the client content, I wrote a handful of posts on my usual topics: governance, productivity, and adoption. Lots more happening in July, and a backlog of blog posts will be breaking through:
- Microsoft’s Road to Permission Marketing and Cloud Adoption (LinkedIn) http://bit.ly/2tBG3GC
- Proven Strategies for increasing Adoption and Engagement (SlideShare) http://bit.ly/2t9xXnA
- Reinforcing Your SharePoint Governance Strategy (buckleyPLANET) http://bit.ly/2sEQxkd
- Making SharePoint Sticky (buckleyPLANET) http://bit.ly/2tC61dg
- The Failure to Manage Productivity (Medium) http://bit.ly/2uCOU7M
Things will be a little slow this week as it is the 4th of July holiday here in the US, but I’m hard at work with content on buckleyPLANET and CollabTalk.com, guest blog posts with BA Insight, Exclaimer, tyGraph, and AvePoint, as well as articles coming out on CMSWire, RedmondMag, and Petri IT, as well as a number of CollabTalk podcast recordings. And if you’re planning to attend Microsoft Inspire in Washington DC next week, look for me! I’m on the ground this Saturday night, and departing DC the following Saturday. See you there!