Focusing on End User Adoption
A common cycle that most IT organizations have experienced is the post-deployment employee adoption gap. No matter how well your requirements are defined, and close to those requirements you are with your design and deployment, if your employees do not adopt — the project will fail. Enterprises are increasingly understanding that successful projects don’t end at deployment, but must include planning for training, ongoing operations, and “customer success” programs to ensure the ongoing health and welfare of their systems, platforms and tools. What are your secrets to success for end user adoption and engagement? That will be the topic of discussion on Tuesday, January 29th at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern  during the next #CollabTalk TweetJam as we discuss “The Keys to Employee Adoption and Engagement” with members of the community. Participants will include an assortment of partners, MVPs, solution providers, and community influencers who will join us online, and will include those who attended Ignite in-person, as well as those of us who watched the antics online.
You can join the community discussion using Twitter and the #CollabTalk hashtag, leverage the dedicated CollabTalk TweetJam page, or your favorite Twitter platform. You do not need to be an “expert” to participate in the online conversation, and can ask questions, comment on the questions posed, or just “lurk” in the background. These online discussions are open to anyone — you do not have to be on the panel to participate.
This month’s tweetjam and our amazing stats are once again being sponsored by our friends at tyGraph.
If you have never participated in one of these tweetjams, it’s pretty simple: anyone can jump in and share their thoughts, or just lurk in the wings and absorb the wisdom of the crowd. Either way, it’ll be a TON of content to consume in a single hour. You can follow the live session using the Twitter UI of your choice (, Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, Twubs, whatever). How it works is that I’ll post a series of questions every few minutes, and people will respond to Q1, Q2, Q3 and so forth with A1, A2, A3, always including the #CollabTalk hashtag with their answers. Feel free to reply as often (or as little) as you’d like, ask your own follow up questions, share relevant links, re-tweet others, and engage with the audience.
The questions we will discuss during the session include:
- How does your organization (or client org) define adoption and engagement?
- Within your organization, how are adoption and engagement of technology tracked and measured?
- What is the impact of low adoption and engagement on digital transformation?
- What is the connection between productivity and adoption within the workplace, if any?
- Many projects report high initial adoption rates, but see a rapid decrease in engagement over time. How do you reverse this trend?
- What technologies are having the greatest positive impact on adoption and engagement within your organization?
- What 3 recommendations would you make to an organization suffering from low adoption and engagement metrics?
As always, there will be side-questions, side-conversations, and wise-cracking throughout. This is open to the public, so please join in the discussion! The dialog is usually thought-provoking but also fun.
Participating on this panel (so far):
- John White (@diverdown1964), SharePoint MVP and cto at UnlimitedViz Inc.
- Kanwal Khipple (@kkhipple), Office Apps & Services MVP and founder of 2toLead
- David Leveille (@crushnetworks), president of Crush Networks, Inc.
- Adam Ball (@AdamCBall), co-founder of COUCUG, Teams and Skype for Business MVP
- Eric Overfield (@ericoverfield), Microsoft Regional Director, SharePoint MVP, and founder of PixelMill
- Brian Culver (@SPbrianculver), SharePoint MCM and founder, president of Expert Point Solution
- Stacy Deere-Strole (@sldeere), SharePoint MVP and owner of Focal Point Solutions
- Barry Jinks (@BJinks), founder and ceo at Colligo
- Eric Riz (@rizinsights), SharePoint MVP and ceo of Empty Cubicle
- Peter Ferguson (@cirrussoft), director at CIRRUS SOFT and @Apps_365
- Maarten Visser (@mvisser), founder and product manager at Meetroo, business architect at Connected Services
- Nicki Borell (@NickiBorell), Microsoft MVP & RD, evangelist & consultant for SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure
- Erica Toelle (@ericatoelle), Office Apps & Services MVP and product evangelist at Record Point
- Ed Senez (@edsenez), president at UnlimitedViz and TyGraph
- Stephanie Donahue (@stephkdonahue), Microsoft MVP, co-founder and president of PAITgroup
- Wes Preston (@idubbs), SharePoint MVP, evangelist, and owner at TrecStone
- Matt Wade (@thatmattwade), Microsoft MVP, vp of client engagement at AtBot, co-founder of
- Phil Worrell (@worrelpa), ICT engineer and business analyst at Swisscom
- Darrell Webster (@DarrellaaS), Office Apps & Services MVP and co-founder
- Beau Cameron (@beau_cameron), Microsoft MVP and senior engineer at Aerie Consulting
- Mark Rackley (@mrackley), Office 365 MVP, sharePoint Hillbilly, Partner at PAIT Group
- Robert Bogue (@RobBogue), author, speaker, strategist and consultant at Thor Projects
- Craig Jahnke (@techJahnke), SharePoint strategic advisor with AvePoint
- Matt Varney (@thevarnish), intranet manager at KCTCS
- David Drever (@DavidMDrever), SharePoint MVP and SharePoint services lead at Solvera Solutions
- Rhia Snoot (@___rhia___), director of business process automation for Elantis Solutions
- and your host, Christian Buckley (@buckleyplanet), Microsoft MVP & RD, founder & ceo of CollabTalk LLC, cmo of
If you would like to join our panel, please drop me a line. If you have questions, please connect with me via @buckleyplanet. And thank you again to tyGraph for your support of these CollabTalk tweetjams! And finally, if you are interested in being a sponsor of a future tweetjam, please contact me at CollabTalk