Office 365 Productivity Tips “May Mediation”
The 22nd webinar in the Office 365 Productivity Tips series (being rebranded as the Microsoft 365 Productivity Tips series) was recorded on May 26th, 2020 with myself and Tom Duff (@duffbert) once again going head-to-head to share some of our favorite personal and team productivity tips from the tools and workloads available within Office 365. Here is a quick summary blog of the latest episode that we called the “May Mediation” with links to each individual tip, as well as the entire video and slides.
If you’ve not yet caught one of our live sessions or participated in our webinars, our template is straightforward: we share 10 different productivity tips from across the entire Office 365 platform and Microsoft Office productivity suite across 5 rounds of head-to-head productivity matchups. Neither of us know ahead of time what will be presented by the other, and the audience votes after each round. Most of what we share will eventually appear on Tom’s blog — — or here on my site.
Here’s the latest webinar via the CollabTalk YouTube channel (if you enjoy this content, then please subscribe!):
Additionally, our slides are always made available for download in SlideShare.
Quick Links to the 10 Tips
You may be familiar with a few of the tips, but there’s usually one or two (or more) that people have never seen nor heard of, so there’s always value in participating in one of our sessions. Here are the tips that we shared:
Leverage Cortana Scheduler for meetings [5:02]
- Getting notifications when adding comments to an Office file [9:06]
- Creating multiple lines in an Excel cell [15:46]
- Create digital badges in Microsoft Teams [18:35]
- Create custom results pages for Microsoft Search [25:42]
- Microsoft Stream now allows for screen capture videos [32:41]
- Email and attachment layout for Outlook on the Web [38:18]
- Create Tabs in Teams Chats [41:33]
- Increase engagement in Teams with the Incentives App [47:57]
- Stock photos for SharePoint Online pages [52:08]
We hope you find this useful — and if you enjoyed this format, be sure to register for our next event taking place on Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020 at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern. Click on the image below to register. Hope to see you there!