October 2021 Content Wrap-Up

Why do I painstakingly create these monthly collections of blatant self-promotion, you ask? I’ve found them to be a great way to keep track of what I have published each month for historical purposes, as well as to keep everything straight in my brain. So many of my blog posts, and even some presentations that I give, are more or less a conversation in my own head as I talk through the issue and try to put myself in the shoes of the customer, the manager, and other key stakeholders. That’s why you often see a flurry of posts on a related topic, as they are often a continuation of one train of thought, broken into more consumable chunks.

For October, there was more thinking and writing on the topics of governance, migration, and security. Sufficeth to say, you’ll see more on these topics in November. And as always, more interviews with fellow MVPs every Monday, and a slate of new guests for the #CollabTalk Podcast which publishes every Friday.

In this prior month, I was not involved in any AvePoint webinars — but I participated for the first time in the aMS Southeast Asia 2021 event on the topic of task management (info below), and sat through a Microsoft-hosted Content Services Partner Summit, which was an excellent preview (and in-depth technical discussion) for this week’s Microsoft Ignite Conference, which kicks off today. If you have not registered for this FREE event, be sure to sign up today!

In November, I’ll be participating in a post-Ignite panel discussion for the Minnesota M365 User Group on Nov 8th (register), as well as the Inside Microsoft teams LIVE event on Nov 9th (info).  On top of that, I’ll be presenting at Teams Day Online 4 on November 17th (register), will be launching a new channel-focused series of videos and resource-laden blog posts on the AvePoint blog and YouTube channel, and will have some announcements about the AvePoint Community Champions program. Can’t wait to share more!

But for now, here is the content I produced for October:


As mentioned above, here are the links to my Inside Microsoft Teams and #aMSSEA contributions:

#CollabTalk TweetJam, #O365hours, #M365AMA

Part of my monthly rhythm of business is the tweetjam, twice-monthly #O365hours series (be sure to subscribe for reminders of this show), and the monthly #M365AMA panel discussion where we (attempt to) answer questions from the community.

Talking smack about Security

As I work my way through a backlog of blog posts and other content within the cavernous reaches of my OneNote history, I’ve been sharing posts related to security — mostly from an admin and business user perspective. Hope you find them insightful.

Governance + Migration

Governance and migration continue to be my meat-and-potatoes topics. My roots with SharePoint and the M365 stack began with migration and expanded into governance, and these topics continue to play a large role within my career…and so expect more on these topics in the future.

More #CollabTalk interviews

I am enjoying the current interview cadence, with podcast drops every Friday and Monday. The Monday drops are from my #MVPbuzzChat interview series, where I get to know fellow MVPs from around the world and talk about their journey to becoming MVPs, and their current technology passions. Always interesting. And every Friday, be sure to check out the formal #CollabTalk Podcast drops with various industry experts on a broader array of topics within the scope of “the convergence of technology, business productivity, and collaboration culture.” Historically, these have been focused on the Microsoft ecosystem, but I’m expanding beyond that, talking with CEOs and founders of companies with broad business and technology backgrounds.

Business Topics

An area where I need to write more is around marketing and business leadership. I’ve been working my way back into reading one or two business books each month (as soon as I finish reading the Silmarillion for the hundredth time).

Personal stuff

And as always, in addition to my monthly self-promoting content wrap-up, I also celebrated the 40th anniversary of Duran Duran’s 1st studio album and the release of their newest album, Future Past, by putting together a fairly comprehensive ranking of their 15 studio albums. Enjoy!

And finally, just wanted to mention that I’ll hit my 31st wedding anniversary on Nov 30th. Pretty crazy to think about that. We met the summer of 1987 and our first date was a Duran Duran concert at Cal Expo in Sacramento, California. And she’s still my favorite person in the world.

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He sits on the board of TekkiGurus, is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits, and provides channel and marketing services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the quarterly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.