Rethinking My Publishing Schedule

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash
I am almost 17 months into my goal of daily blog posts for 730 days (2 years). I’m not going to sugarcoat it — it’s a lot of work. With my involvement in TekkiGurus (press release still forthcoming), I am going through my current publishing schedule to figure out which pieces will remain on buckleyPLANET, and which will move over to the new site. Here’s what I am currently thinking:
- Personal topics, such as this post, my Blue Plate Special music series, and event-related content will all remain here.
- CollabTalk TweetJam posts will remain here, as well, with panelist invites going out from my CollabTalk email.
- Post-tweetjam interviews will be moving to TekkiGurus, but with a slight reformat. These really are a standalone artifact. They are a one-on-one interview with a tweetjam participant going through the 7 tweetjam questions. For example, I am working with Microsoft’s Laurie Pottmeyer to record the latest topic on building community, and to also talk about the new Communities in Teams release. You’ll see that interview on TekkiGurus when the site goes live next month.
- The M365AMA series will continue to be published here and on my personal YouTube page. If you’ve not yet subscribed to it, do it! I really enjoy doing this series with a small army of experts, so look for more of that content. However, an expanded version of each topic may appear on TekkiGurus. These lightweight posts are really all about the panel discussion — but for most (if not all) of them, we will start pulling together extended articles that walk through the solutions discussed. I’ll write some of these, but will be encouraging (pushing) other participants to write the articles.
- My MVP interviews (#MVPbuzzChat) will continue to be published here every Monday. I have 8 episodes already recorded and awaiting their publishing dates.
- The CollabTalk Podcast will also remain here for the foreseeable future. We’ll see how the podcast content expands and performs on TekkiGurus before I make any commitments to move it.
- Productivity tips are all moving to TekkiGurus. While some of my most popular content on the blog have been these posts, I think they’ll reach a much broader audience over there, so they’re moving.
- I’m planning to do much more in the in-person interview department as the event schedule ramps back up, and most of this content will move to TekkiGurus.
- And finally, my blog posts on business topics will remain here, as they are not a fit for the other site. I still have a huge backlog of topics in OneNote that I need to finish up and publish.
Lots going on, and writing this out always help me get things organized. Thanks for following!