Why does my Out-of-Office send out two auto-responses? #M365AMA

In this episode, the #M365AMA panel discusses the following community question:

“Hi folks, having a bit of a strange issue with one of my end users which I am hoping someone can help me with. One of my end users is having an issue when they switch their OOO (out of office) on, their accounts sends out 2 auto responses, 1 is the one which they have set but they have another one showing for back in December, I have checked on their Outlook client on Mac, Web app, and mobile and nothing for this out of office response is showing. I have also logged into the Microsoft 365 admin centre to check their out of office responses for their account and still doesn’t show this response that is being sent out? Really puzzled..”

Check out the discussion here:


Participating in this discussion were:

Some relevant notes/links shared by the team:

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He sits on the board of TekkiGurus, is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits, and provides channel and marketing services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the quarterly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.