Fall 2024 Events

Something nerdy to look atLots of updates in the event/speaking category, so I thought I’d provide an updated list with links. Here’s where I’ll be attending/speaking through the end of the year:

  • Aug 14thBoston O365 User Group (virtual)
    Session: “Crafting Content with AI: Human Insight Meets Machine Intelligence”
  • Aug 19thProject Failure Files (on-demand)
    Livestream: “Innovation Paralysis: Fear of Change and New Ideas”
    Presenting with Sharon Weaver (@sharoneweaver)
  • Aug 21stGuardians of M365 Governance (on-demand)
    Livestream: Episode 8 – “Leveraging the M365 Maturity Model”
    Presenting with Joy Apple (@JoyOfSharePoint) and Ragnar Heil (@ragnarh)
  • Aug 21stRencore Webinar (on-demand)
    Webinar: “Improve your Copilot Experience with Strong Information Architecture”
    Presenting with Virgil Caroll (@vcmonkey)
  • Aug 26thProject Failure Files (virtual)
    Livestream: “Embracing Self-Awareness and Humility”
    Presenting with Sharon Weaver (@sharoneweaver)
  • Aug 29thSmarter Consulting webinar (virtual)
    Webinar: “Empower Your Organization: Microsoft 365 Governance Self-Assessment”
    Presenting with Dan Rey (@stilldrey) and Antares Leask (@AntaresLeask)
  • Sep 2ndProject Failure Files (virtual)
    Livestream: “Avoiding Preventive Measures and Building a Resilient Framework”
    Presenting with Sharon Weaver (@sharoneweaver)
  • Sep 6thM365 Twin Cities (in-person)
    Session: “20 Microsoft 365 Productivity Tips”
    Presenting with Tom Duff (@Duffbert)
  • Sep 9thProject Failure Files (virtual)
    Livestream: “The Tool Trap: Navigating the Balance Between Tools and Techniques (Pt.2)
    Presenting with Sharon Weaver (@sharoneweaver)
  • Sep 16thProject Failure Files (virtual)
    Livestream: “Avoiding Overreach: The Perils of Boiling the Ocean
    Presenting with Sharon Weaver (@sharoneweaver)
  • Sep 18thGuardians of M365 Governance (virtual)
    Livestream: “Scaling Governance Across a Global Company”
    Presenting with Joy Apple (@JoyOfSharePoint) and Ragnar Heil (@ragnarh), with guest Melinda Morales from Dyson
  • Sep 18-20Power Platform Community Conference (in-person)
    Staffing the Rencore booth or wandering the expo hall
  • Sep 23rd – Project Failure Files (virtual)
    Livestream: “The Pitfalls of Over-Regulation When Using Governance as a Hammer
    Presenting with Sharon Weaver (@sharoneweaver)
  • Sep 24th#CollabTalk TweetJam (virtual)
    Livestream: “Understanding Your Baseline for Copilot Adoption”
    6-person panel discussion + tweetjam on X Spaces
  • Sep 30th – Project Failure Files (virtual)
    Livestream: “Fighting the Good Fight: Mitigating Scope Creep
    Presenting with Sharon Weaver (@sharoneweaver)
  • Oct 24thCome Cloud with Us (virtual)
    Livestream” “From Zero to Hero: Creating Your M365 Governance Framework”
  • Nov 11-15TechCon365 Dallas (in-person)
    Half-Day Workshop: “From Assessment to Action: Building a Stronger Microsoft 365 Governance Framework”
    Session: “Empowering Innovation: The Power of Mentorship in Technology Teams”
    Session: “Engineering Effective Feedback Systems in the AI-Enhanced Workplace”
    Session: “Overcoming Digital Debt and Embracing AI in the Workplace”
  • Dec 2-5ESPC24 Stockholm (in-person)
    Session: “Building Scalable, Repeatable Feedback Mechanisms”
    Session: “The Art of AI-Assisted Writing: Blending Technology with Human Creativity”
    Other activities include post-keynote interviews + Community Reporters panels & interviews

Missing from this list are the weekly Project Failure Files episodes scheduled every Monday morning in October and forward, as it was too much to list here. We also do not have dates for the Guardians of M365 Governance livestreams for October through December, nor the end-of-year #CollabTalk TweetJam which always happens between Christmas and New Year. I may add in some additional virtual presentations between now and the end of the year, but this is it as far as in-person events. Too much going on with work and family to squeeze anything else into the travel calendar. No FOMO for me….this already feels like a heavy travel load. Thankfully, I’m really enjoying my work, so time is flying by.

Thanks for watching, listening, and attending! Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel for all post-event recordings.

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He is a startup advisor and investor, and an independent consultant providing fractional marketing and channel development services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, weekly #ProjectFailureFiles series, monthly Guardians of M365 Governance (#GoM365gov) series, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.

1 Response

  1. September 3, 2024

    […] Fall 2024 Events [blog] […]