Project Failure Files: Building a Resilient Framework

The Project Failure Files logoIn Episode 12 of the Project Failure Files weekly webcast, our focus was “Avoiding Preventive Measures: Building a Resilient Framework,” discussing the importance of adhering to established project management methodologies, no matter the project’s perceived simplicity. Skipping these steps can quickly lead to increased complexity and setbacks. We discussed strategies such as proactive risk management, clear communication, and maintaining thorough documentation to build a solid project framework. Regular reviews and audits are essential for early issue detection and necessary adjustments.

Sharon and I also emphasized creating a culture that values continuous improvement and learning. Encouraging feedback, investing in training, and celebrating both successes and failures help teams grow and adapt. Leveraging the right tools and methodologies, like Agile practices and project management software, can enhance flexibility and ensure projects stay on track.

Finally, we explored the critical role of clear goal setting, data-driven decision-making, and maintaining flexibility in project management. By integrating collaboration tools and automating repetitive tasks, project managers can create a more efficient and resilient environment, ready to handle any challenges that arise. These strategies are key to preventing issues, ensuring sustained project success.

Enjoy the episode!


Be sure to tune in next Monday, September 9th at 9am Pacific for Episode 12 of this weekly series as Sharon and I discuss Part 2 of “The Tool Trap: Navigating the Balance Between Tools and Techniques. Join us on LinkedIn.

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He is a startup advisor and investor, and an independent consultant providing fractional marketing and channel development services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, weekly #ProjectFailureFiles series, monthly Guardians of M365 Governance (#GoM365gov) series, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.