Celebrating 21 Years of Blogging
Just wanted to quickly post and share that today is the 21st anniversary of the buckleyplanet.com blog. Of course, I had another blog for 2 years prior (the site died and much of the content was lost, hence the change to the Typepad platform in Feb 2004), and had been posting articles to my prior company website as far back as 1997 (we sold the company, and with it all of its content). It was in late 2003 when I decided to create a mock website to poke fun at my brother-in-law who had named his website fisherplanet. He’s a very talented illustrator, and my fake site had crappy line drawings. Again, it was a joke. But in Feb 2004, with the technical failure of my previous site, I decided to start blogging on the Typepad platform and use the buckleyplanet domain. And 21 years later, here I am, still blogging on the site.
Here’s to 21 more years! (?)