A Brave New PM World
On my drive back to Utah from a week in Seattle, I had a great call with fellow Microsoft MVP...
On my drive back to Utah from a week in Seattle, I had a great call with fellow Microsoft MVP...
There is a definite ROI in improving productivity: faster employee onboarding and training, for example, or simply generating more business...
While working for SharePoint ISVs Axceler and Metalogix as chief evangelist, I lived and breathed the topic of governance. While...
The project management and portfolio management space has been crowded for decades, with no single solution “owning” the space. While...
When Seth Godin released his award-winning book Permission Marketing back in 1999, I had just completed my MBA, was wrapping...
Time is a fickle thing. You have an hour to kill before a flight, and the time seems to crawl...
Where are we in SharePoint’s maturity? While some would say it’s a middle-aged technology in the midst of a mid-life...
I was talking with a partner this week about their interest in hiring a technical evangelist and getting more involved...
I rolled into the driveway this morning at around 1:30am after completing my 5th Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference (#WPC14). And...
Its long been true that the vast majority of business executive choose mediocrity over creativity, evolution over revolution, and following...