The Future of Work Is…Change

Keynote from MS Copilot & Viva Days 2024While many organizations have focused on “digital transformation” over the past several years, the advances in technology over the past year or more has (or will) disrupt much of that planning and execution. We often talk about how the landscape of the modern workplace is constantly evolving, shaped by the powerful forces of technology — but many of us still fail to recognize the rapid pace of change that is actually happening around us. At last weekend’s “MS Copilot & Viva Days 2024” event, I gave a keynote that highlighted the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in this journey. I thought I’d unpack some of the insights I shared in my session entitled “Leading the AI Charge: How Microsoft Is Shaping the Future of Work,” making the case that the crux of embracing new technology lies not in the sophistication of the tools themselves, but in mastering the art of change management to weave these advancements into the fabric of our daily work rituals.

From Cloud to AI

The last few years have been a testament to the unparalleled pace at which the modern workplace has transformed, especially in the realm of collaboration and information management. A significant element of this transformation for many organizations has been a shift toward cloud technologies, with Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, and the Microsoft 365 platform at the helm. These shifts were not merely about moving to the cloud but rather about harnessing these platforms to achieve greater efficiencies and deeper integration, thus enabling more from the technologies that organizations have come to depend on.

As technology has burgeoned, so has content—exponentially and overwhelmingly. However, the rapid growth in content generation has outpaced the organizational capabilities of many companies. This content sprawl leads to siloed data, impaired collaboration, and thwarted innovation. With more data comes the heightened complexity of management, leading to increased security risks and compliance challenges. The crux of the matter remains: a treasure trove of data loses its value when it can’t be harnessed efficiently.

The narrative of AI as a mere buzzword is being rewritten by Microsoft with trailblazing tools like Copilot and Viva, propelling us into an era where AI is intrinsically linked to growth and operational success. By embedding AI into our corporate ecosystems, we’re not only staying agile but also fostering a culture of innovation that’s crucial to staying ahead in the technological race.

Quick view of Copilot navigationMicrosoft Viva stands as a beacon of this transformation, an employee experience platform that melds communication, knowledge, learning, and insights. It is a comprehensive solution designed to promote engagement, foster learning, and spur growth within organizations by leveraging the existing Microsoft 365 and Teams infrastructure. Viva’s suite, including Connections, Engage, Insights, Learning, and Goals, serves as a testament to the power of AI in enhancing productivity and creativity in the workplace.

Alongside Viva, Microsoft Copilot is revolutionizing the landscape of creation and coding. As an AI-powered assistant, it brings a wealth of experience to your desktop, offering real-time suggestions, minimizing errors, and supercharging efficiency. Copilot’s integration across Microsoft 365’s suite demonstrates its versatility, from drafting documents to analyzing spreadsheets, from enhancing presentations to managing emails, all while respecting user privacy and data integrity.

If you Fail to Prepare, You Should Prepare to Fail

These innovations, however, present a paradigm shift—a fundamentally different way of working that many organizations are grappling with. The crux of the issue is change, an arduous journey that can only be navigated by altering behaviors and nurturing adaptability in end-users. When employees adapt, they become not only more efficient but also more effective, collaborative, and innovative.

Four ingredients to lasting changeThe path to enduring change is marked by four essential ingredients: transparency, consistency, collaboration, and iteration. Success in this endeavor hinges on the culture within an organization—a culture that embraces change as its core is bound to achieve collaborative success.

Experimentation is key in navigating through change. It involves identifying stakeholders, crafting key business scenarios, conducting pilots, and designing adoption campaigns that resonate with the audience. Supporting this is the establishment of a champion program that runs parallel to service deployment, providing a transparent feedback mechanism, measuring success, and being agile enough to adjust strategies based on the feedback received.

My goal with this keynote was to help illuminate a fundamental truth: in the race to the future of work, it is not the swiftness with which we adopt new technologies that matters most, but the grace with which we manage the change they bring. For organizations to truly thrive in an AI-driven workplace, it’s not just about leveraging new tools but about redefining our work culture to one that is adaptive, innovative, and resilient.

The future of work is not a distant dream but an unfolding reality, and it is up to us to lead the charge by embracing AI not just as a tool but as a transformative ally in our journey towards a smarter, more efficient, and collaborative world.

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director and M365 Apps & Services MVP, and an award-winning product marketer and technology evangelist, based in Silicon Slopes (Lehi), Utah. He sits on the board of TekkiGurus, is an advisor for both revealit.TV and WellnessWits, and provides channel and marketing services for Microsoft partners. He hosts the quarterly #CollabTalk TweetJam, the weekly #CollabTalk Podcast, and the Microsoft 365 Ask-Me-Anything (#M365AMA) series.

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